Beyond 60/40: Private Assets in an Era of High Public Valuations

Beyond 60/40:
Private Assets in an Era of High Public Valuations

A combination of elevated public stock and bond valuations, recalcitrant inflation, and higher-for-longer interest rates could be creating new challenges for 60/40 portfolios and an attractive entry point to private markets.

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Apollo Answers: What Is PIK?

Apollo Answers:
What Is PIK?

Payment in Kind (PIK) is an interesting—and sometimes controversial—feature of credit markets. Learn what PIK is, understand its risks, and how it can impact credit portfolios in a new episode of “Apollo Answers.”

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Can Private Markets Be the Alternative to Lofty Public Market Valuations?

Potential Implications of the Latest US Administration Policy Proposals

Watch Apollo Chief Economist, Torsten Sløk, and Craig Radcliffe, Managing Director in Public Policy at the Firm, discuss the potential impact of President Donald Trump’s policy proposals on the US macroeconomic landscape.

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Demystifying the Opportunity in Investment Grade Private Credit

Demystifying the Opportunity in Investment Grade Private Credit

Apollo believes Investment Grade Private Credit is a growing part of the credit market that has the potential to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns but has been overlooked because it doesn’t fit neatly into the current asset allocation framework.

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Can Private Markets Be the Alternative to Lofty Public Market Valuations?

Can Private Markets Be the Alternative to Lofty Public Market Valuations?

Explore the potential role of private markets in diversifying portfolios against a backdrop of heightened risks in public equity and bond markets.

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The Apollo Academy also offers additional CE-credit events on the discipline of alternatives investing as well as on key investing and economic top-of-mind topics, so you can keep your skills brushed up and your mind sharp for the ever-changing landscape of the capital markets.

Class 22 Potential Implications of the Latest US Administration Policy ProposalsNow On Demand



CE Credit


  • Watch Apollo Chief Economist, Torsten Sløk, and Craig Radcliffe, Managing Director in Public Policy at the Firm, discuss the potential impact of President Donald Trump’s policy proposals on the US macroeconomic landscape.

    In this class, Torsten and Craig cover:
    • The impact of DOGE and tariffs on GDP and inflation
    • DOGE implications for unemployment and consumer spending
    • Further implications for trade tariffs
Class 21 Beyond 60/40: Private Assets in an Era of High Public ValuationsNow On Demand



CE Credit


  • In this class, Matt O’Mara, Partner, Co-Head, Apollo Aligned Alternatives, explains why periods of lofty valuations on public stocks and bonds can represent an attractive entry point to private markets. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

    In this class, Matt covers:
    • The implications of soaring valuations for public equities and fixed income
    • Possible challenges for 60/40 portfolio allocations
    • The potential benefits of private assets, which have historically outperformed following periods of elevated public equity valuations and interest rates
Class 20 Investment Grade Private Credit as a Core Fixed Income AllocationNow On Demand



CE Credit


  • Akila Grewal, Partner, Global Head of Credit Product, takes a deep dive into a fast-growing segment of the credit market—Investment Grade Private Credit (Private IG)—and discusses how it can be deployed alongside public bonds to potentially enhance outcomes. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A.

    In this class, Akila covers:
    • What is Private IG and its evolution
    • Secular trends and key dynamics in the credit landscape
    • Potential opportunities in Private IG
    • The case for Private IG in portfolios

Why Alternatives in Your Retirement Portfolio

A long-held mantra—that a diversified portfolio of public equities and bonds is the key to a successful retirement plan—is now being challenged by secular shifts taking place in financial markets today, including the end of the monetary printing press that started in 2008. What’s an investor to do? Lead Portfolio Manager Matt O’Mara tackles this question in our latest white paper.

On Demand: Alternative Investing Course 2.0

Session 2Alternative Investing Essentials Part Two
Now Available On Demand



CE Credits


  • Real Estate
  • Infrastructure
  • Digital Assets
  • Hedge Funds
Session 3Practical Considerations
Now Available On Demand



CE Credits


  • Commodities
  • Understanding Portfolio Construction
    • Asset Allocation
    • Risk Considerations
    • Fund Structures
    • Fees

Alternative Perspectives

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Master the Basics

Apollo defines “alternatives” as an alternative to publicly traded stocks and bonds, seeking excess returns at every point along the risk-reward spectrum. We group our solutions in three categories: Equity, Hybrid (as defined as a mix of equity and debt), and Yield. Apollo’s introductory videos describe the basics of each alternative asset class. Taught by Keith Black, Adjunct Faculty at the University of Massachusetts, the videos cover the full spectrum of alternative asset classes (including venture capital and commodities, which Apollo’s solutions don’t currently address). They provide a broad understanding of the space for those seeking to invest in, or to augment, their exposure to alternatives.