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  • Having a flexible labor market where it is easy to hire and fire workers increases potential growth and resilience to shocks. The US has the most flexible labor market among all OECD countries, see the chart below.

    It is easier to fire and hire workers in the US than in any other OECD country
    Source: OECD, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: The OECD indicators of employment protection are synthetic indicators of the strictness of regulation on dismissals and the use of temporary contracts. For each year, indicators refer to regulation in force on the first of January. Strictness of employment protection against individual and collective dismissals for workers with a regular contract is the weighted sum of sub-indicators concerning the regulations for individual dismissals (weight of 5/7) and provisions for collective dismissals (2/7). It incorporates 23 detailed data items.

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  • After the Fed pivot in November 2023, lower mortgage rates, rising stock prices, and increased activity in capital markets have put upward pressure on rents in Manhattan, see the first chart below.

    Over the same period, easy financial conditions have boosted the housing market, with home prices currently up 7.3% over the past 12 months.

    With this backdrop, the risks are rising that shelter inflation may begin to flatten out over the coming months and maybe even rise later this year, see the second chart.

    The Fed will have to keep interest rates higher for longer to prevent housing inflation from becoming a problem again.

    Manhattan median rent increased to $4220 in April 2024
    Source: Elliman, Apollo Chief Economist
    Rebound coming in housing inflation
    Source: Haver Analytics, BLS, S&P, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Same-Store Retail Sales Still Strong

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Weekly data for consumer spending continues to show no signs of a slowdown in private consumption, see chart below.

    Weekly data for same-store retail sales still strong
    Source: Redbook, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Most of the time in financial markets is spent on discussing Apple, Tesla, and Coca-Cola, but these firms and the rest of the S&P 500 companies only make up a very small part of the US economy, see our chart book available here.

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  • Why Are Copper Prices Going Up?

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Copper prices are rising due to supply shortages, hedge fund speculation, China demand, AI demand, and green energy demand. For more, see our chart book available here.

    Rise in 1st to 2nd month copper future spread indicates tight supply
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Housing Tenure Distribution Across Countries

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The share of the population that owns their home varies across the G7 countries, with a homeownership rate in Germany at 41%, in the US at 65%, and in Italy 73%, see chart below.

    Housing tenure distribution
    Source: OECD, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: 2022 or latest year available.

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  • In Japan, the population is shrinking, and, as a result, the number of vacant homes is rising, see chart below.

    Japan: Negative population growth resulting in more vacant homes
    Source: UN Population Statistics, Housing and Land Survey Japan, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Households Extremely Bullish on Home Prices

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Household expectations to future home price appreciation are currently at the highest level since 2007, see chart below.

    Household expectations to home price appreciation at 2007 levels
    Source: University of Michigan, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • US markets continue to outperform international markets, and the market cap of the S&P 500 is currently the biggest share of the global market cap in decades, see chart below.

    S&P 500 is almost 40% of the global equity market cap
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • The transmission mechanism of monetary policy is weaker because a rising share of US homes don’t have a mortgage, and about half of all mortgages have an interest rate locked in below 4%, see charts below.

    Almost 40% of US homes don’t have a mortgage
    Source: US Census Bureau, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    About half of all mortgages outstanding have an interest rate below 4%
    Source: FHFA, Apollo Chief Economist

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