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  • US and Europe Decoupling

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The US growth outlook is decoupling from the European growth outlook driven by more expansive US fiscal policy and easier financial conditions triggered by the November 1 Fed pivot, where the central bank started talking about cuts instead of hikes, see chart below. As a result, the Treasury-Bund spread will likely continue to widen, and the dollar will likely continue to increase, both against the euro and the yen.

    November Fed pivot boosted the stock market, which raised growth expectations
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Why Are Gold Prices Going Up?

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Our chart book that looks at why gold prices are going up is available here.

    China retail demand for gold ETFs rising
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    China non-monetary gold imports rising
    Source: China customs, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Strong acceleration in supercore inflation
    Source: BLS, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist. OER stands for owners’ equivalent rent of residences.
    Geopolitical uncertainty risk index and gold prices
    Source: Bloomberg,, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Most of the US Economy Is in Private Markets

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Most of the time in financial markets goes with talking about the S&P 500.

    But public markets and public companies are only a small part of the economy.

    Total global employment in the S&P 500 companies is 29 million, and total employment in the US economy is 158 million, see chart below.

    Put differently, more than 80% of total employment in the US economy is outside the S&P 500 companies.

    This is consistent with our recent Daily Spark, in which we showed that 87% of firms in the US with revenue greater than $100 million are private.

    The bottom line is that the vast majority of the US economy is in private markets.

    Employment in S&P 500 companies is 18% of total US employment
    Source: BLS, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Goods Inflation Rising

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Rising energy prices combined with the ongoing rebound in the manufacturing sector increase the likelihood that we could see an increase in goods inflation over the coming months, see chart below.

    Manufacturing PMI prices paid indicates rebound in goods inflation
    Source: BLS, ISM, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Many More Private Firms in Europe

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    In financial markets, a lot of conversations are about public companies, but the reality is that in Europe, 96% of firms with revenue greater than $100 million are private, see chart below.

    In Europe, 96% of firms with revenue greater than $100 million are private
    Source: S&P Capital IQ, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: For companies with last 12-month revenue greater then $100 million by count.

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  • 48% of Americans Have a Passport

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Forty-eight percent of Americans have a passport, up from 3% in 1989, see chart below.

    48% of Americans have a passport
    Source: US Department of State, Census Bureau, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Interest coverage ratios have rebounded for both investment grade credit and high yield credit. This was driven by continued strong earnings and also the Fed pivot last year, which triggered not only expectations of lower rates but also a strong rally in IG and HY spreads, see charts below.

    IG ICR rebounding in Q1 2024
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    HY ICR rebounding in Q1 2024
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Commodity Price Outlook

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Commodity prices are moving higher driven by the following:

    1) Reaccelerating US growth

    2) Geopolitical uncertainty

    3) Segmentation of global trade, and

    4) Strong AI demand for energy

    Our latest outlook for energy prices, agriculture prices, and metals prices is available here.

    Commodity prices moving higher driven by strong US growth, geopolitical uncertainty, segmentation of global trade, and AI demand for energy
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • China: Housing Slowing

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The housing slowdown in China continues, see chart below.

    China residential transactions falling
    Source: NBS China, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • The Marshall Plan was 5% of US GDP, and the US fiscal response to Covid was 20% of US GDP, see chart below.

    Marshall Plan was 5% of 1947 US GDP.Covid response was 20% of 2023 US GDP.
    Source: BEA, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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