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  • Consensus Expects a Hard Landing

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The consensus expects a recession starting next quarter, but the upside risk to this negative forecast is that consumers still have plenty of savings left, see also this new Fed paper, which finds that households will not run out of excess savings before the fourth quarter of 2023.

    The consensus expects negative growth for the coming three quarters
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • HY Spreads Should Be Trading Wider

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    It is surprising how narrow high yield credit spreads are given the ongoing tightening in credit conditions in the banking sector, see chart below.

    Banks tightening credit conditions, HY spread should be trading wider
    Source: FRB, Haver Analytics, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • One way to calculate how much the ongoing banking crisis corresponds to in Fed hikes is to look at how much borrowing costs have increased for regional banks and money center banks since Silicon Valley Bank collapsed. 

    The chart below shows that since SVB failed, IG credit spreads for regional banks have widened 200bps and for diversified banks 50bps. 

    And for all banks, the spread widening has stayed at a new higher level because many banks have been downgraded. Spreads first moved up to a higher level after SVB and then another higher level after FRC, showing that the ongoing banking crisis is having a permanent negative effect on the economy. 

    Put differently, the increase in borrowing costs since SVB failed corresponds to a 200bps permanent Fed hike for regional banks and 50bps permanent Fed hike for large banks. Weighing these estimates together using the shares of loans and leases accounted for by small and large banks, respectively, gives an economy-wide Fed tightening of a bit more than 100bps for the entire banking sector.

    In short, the jump in funding costs for banks is permanent, and it has become a lot more expensive for many banks to run their business, and the banking crisis is not over. 

    SVB and FRC lifted funding costs for banks permanently
    Source: ICE BofA, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: Unweighted average spreads of bonds from ICE 5-10 Year US Banking Index, C6PX Index for bonds issued before 1st Jan 2023. There are 8 banks in the Regional index and 41 banks in the Diversified index. Regional banks include BankUnited, Citizens Financial, Huntington, and Zions. Diversified banks include JP Morgan, Citibank, and Bank of America.

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  • Some CRE Has Positive Returns

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    There are some important differences in CRE, with some sectors such as office having negative performance and industrial and warehouses showing positive performance, see chart below.

    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • It used to be the case that higher long-term interest rates were positive for banks because higher long rates meant wider net interest margins.

    But since the Fed started hiking rates last year, this correlation has broken down, see chart below.

    Now higher rates are negative for banks because it has a negative impact on their assets, and higher rates and an inverted yield curve increase the risks of a recession and hence credit losses.

    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • The housing market has started to recover, and this is a problem for the Fed because more demand for housing will boost home prices and rents, and with housing having a weight of 40% in the CPI, this will make it more difficult to get inflation down from currently 5% to the Fed’s 2% inflation target.

    Source: NAR, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Bank Credit Conditions at 2008 Levels

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The Fed’s Senior Loan Officer Survey for Q2 was done in April after SVB but before First Republic Bank, and it shows an ongoing tightening in credit conditions across all types of lending.

    Specifically, the survey asks banks if they have tightened lending standards for firms and households relative to last quarter, and across all indicators for demand for loans and supply of loans, we are now at or close to 2008 levels, see charts below.

    In addition, the first sentence in the notes to the Fed’s Senior Loan Officer Survey shows that it only covers large banks out of the roughly 4,000 banks in the US, so credit conditions in small and medium-sized banks are likely tightening even more than seen in the charts below.

    The bottom line for markets is that with inflation still at 5%, well above the FOMC’s 2% inflation target, and the Fed not cutting rates anytime soon, credit conditions will continue to tighten, and as a result, a recession is coming that could be deeper or longer than the consensus currently expects.

    Source: FRB, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: FRB, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: FRB, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: FRB, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel / Equifax, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: University of Michigan, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • There is an ongoing banking crisis, the consensus expects a recession, and a default cycle has started. But markets are pricing that this will only have a mild negative impact on lower-rated credits and small and medium-sized companies. Our monthly credit market outlook is available here.

    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: ICE BofA, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: ICE BofA, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: ICE BofA, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Moody’s Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Pitchbook LCD, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Pitchbook LCD, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: A covenant-lite loan is a type of financing with fewer restrictions on the borrower and fewer protections for the lender, often used in leveraged buyouts. Data as of 31st March 2023.
    Source: SIFMA, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Pitchbook LCD, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Pitchbook LCD, Apollo Chief Economist
    Source: Pitchbook LCD, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Gradual Labor Market Slowdown Continues

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    The labor market continues to soften, but the speed of the cooling is slower than expected, driven by increased labor force participation and higher immigration, see chart below and our chart book available here.

    Source: BLS, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist

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  • Outlook for Regional Banks

    Torsten Sløk

    Apollo Chief Economist

    Bank credit conditions are tightening, and the negative impact on the economy from the ongoing banking crisis is going to be significant because small banks account for 30% of assets in the banking sector and 40% of lending, and small banks are facing three headwinds from 1) higher funding costs, 2) lower asset prices because of higher interest rates, and 3) more regulatory scrutiny. Our banking sector outlook is available here, key charts inserted below.

    Less than 1% of bank accounts have a balance higher than $250k
    Source: FDIC, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist
    40% of small firms have applied for financing in the past 12 months
    Source: Small Business Credit Survey, Federal Reserve, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: 2022 survey, prior to 12 months of survey year
    Banks are the most important source of financing for small businesses
    Source: 2021 Annual Business Survey, U.S. Census Bureau, Apollo Chief Economist
    Purpose of seeking financing for small businesses
    Source: Small Business Credit Survey, Federal Reserve, Apollo Chief Economist. Note: 2022 survey, prior to 12 months of survey year
    The share of bank deposits paying zero interest rate is declining
    Source: FDIC, Apollo Chief Economist
    Small banks lend to small businesses
    Source: FDIC, Apollo Chief Economist. Data as of Q3 2022
    Where are the problems in CRE?
    Source: Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist
    Small banks account for almost 70% of all commercial real estate loads outstanding
    Source: Federal Reserve Board, Haver Analytics, Apollo Chief Economist
    Loan growth expected to fall
    Source: NFIB, FRB, Bloomberg, Apollo Chief Economist

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